What we do
We work either directly or as a consultant in one form or another, for various businesses, to cover your complete IT needs, without the blame shifting. You always know who is responsible for what. Pinpoint is!
Having a long history of working across many companies, we’ve discovered who are the best in the industry. Having these contacts and contracts means you have the answers.
Project Management, Web Design & related services such as Domain Name Registration, Email, SEO (Search Engine Optimization – getting your website listed higher in Google’s search results), Server Support, Desktop Support, DBA (Database Administration), Application Development (writing Software), Networking & more.
And… all of our services are undertaken by Australian based staff. This means you get the best in the world and your money stays in Australia.

What is SEO?
SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is the process of enhancing a website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) organically (unpaid).
It’s about understanding what your clients or customers are searching for online and optimising a website to meet their needs.
SEO works by implementing various strategies, including keyword research, content optimisation, on-page and off-page optimisation, technical improvements, and user experience enhancements. This helps both search engines and your clients and customers to understand your website and your business.
There’s no point having more traffic, if you don’t get more business.
The ultimate goal of SEO is to boost conversions and revenue for your business.
With 26 years of experience dealing with customers in technology, we know how to talk your language and make it easy for you to understand every step of the process. We have a comprehensive knowledge of SEO services, best defined as SEO Marketing, we empower businesses and individuals to establish, enhance, and optimise their online footprint.
Get in contact now to start improving your digital presence.
Want to know more, check out Pinpoint SEO.
On premise or in the cloud?
Ask 2 IT guys their opinion on this, you’ll get 3 answers.
Well, not so much anymore.
“The Cloud” was a bit of a “latest thing” trend and everyone that didn’t know a lot about it, and IT people that would embrace anything that was the latest or had a buzz factor about it, thought it was a “must have” so there was a great rush to “The Cloud”, now there’s a slow transition away from it as it’s limitations and at times, outright failures, become too obvious to ignore.
Not that there isn’t a good case for it from time to time.
Email systems are a great case for it.
Especially for small and medium businesses, often referred to as SME’s or “Small and Medium Enterprises” and even most corporate enterprises now employ cloud based email systems.
All in all though, the cloud has been, as we tried to tell people, vastly over used and when businesses add up the costs and the impacts of slow cloud based systems on their businesses, they often decide to move back to on premise systems.
Each case requires a thorough understanding of how a business works though, there is no across the board single answer.
Frequently asked questions on SEO
You sure can. We even have SEO reports that can help you.
However, there’s a lot to it. If you don’t understand websites and Search Technologies, you probably won’t be able to, but if you want to have a go, then by all means do.
Go to our SEO Audit page to find out more.
SEO is a specialised area.
Your web designer is a specialist in web design.
SEO considers a lot of factors and requires a lot of work.
Building a website that takes in to account:
1. Customers
2. Beauty
3. Speed
4. SEO
5. Update-ability
6. Other minor factors
Requires a lot of work. Most people don’t want to pay that sort of money and for many clients, it’s not necessary either, so 90% of websites are a compromise on these.
We’ll discuss your requirements up front and give you what you need.
Absolutely! Generally, we would send the results to you to pass on to your web designer to implement, but we can work directly with your web designer.
Not everyone does. If you’re the only café in a small town and you already rank when people search for you, then probably you won’t get any extra business.
The litmus test is “am I getting out of my website what I hoped for”.
If you’re not ranking at all, possibly within days, but generally 3-6 months. Google, and search engines in general, are not silly. If they made instant changes to search results, then people would work out how to manipulate their algorithms quickly.
You need to keep in mind what search engines are trying to achieve – accurate, useful results for people. And that’s exactly what we’re trying to achieve. We don’t just want clicks that don’t convert to more business for you, we want to increase your business.
We work with you for the Win, Search Engines for the Win, and that’s a Win for us. Win/Win/Win!
You heard all you need is to buy backlinks. You heard wrong.
Quality links to your website help your SEO but junk one’s harm it and may even get you penalised.
If you create a great website, that other websites would be pleased to link to, then this will almost certainly help your SEO and help build your “Domain Authority”.
You can and that’s part of a digital marketing strategy, but Google state they do not count paid advertising in their search algorithms.
Search Engine Optimisation is about unpaid or free (organic) results. These have the highest click through rate and of course, are free… which is a good price!
There is onsite and offsite work to do. The biggest chunk for sure, is your website, but things like Social Media count towards SEO, so there is work to be done in other areas as well.
Once we’ve done SEO, is that it?
No, Google and other Search Engines are constantly changing and improving their search algorithms. This can sometimes lead to a sudden drop in search results, and we may need to try to work out why and get you back to where you belong.